Over the past few months I have had friends, family and even clients ask me if I had read this book: The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo.  I had not until this past week end.  I found it to be a fast and easy read that resonates with me both personally and professionally.

One of the many things that stood out to me professionally was this phrase. “It is only when you put your house in order that your furniture and decorations begin to shine.”  This is so true!  Many times I have arrived at a potential client’s home to find that all they really need is to declutter.   This alone is the single most inexpensive way to spruce up your house.


I gained quite a bit from this book and I highly recommend it, especially if you are seeking a change in your lifestyle.   I admit I have not personally started my process of tidying up so I have yet to experience the magic, but stay tuned.  I promise to follow up with a future blog on my journey.