I have always been crazy for plaids, even as a little girl, and I am noticing this fall season, I am not alone. I have more than twenty plaid scarves, my sofa houses lovely plaid pillows made of Cowtan and Tout wool, and I use beautiful plaid table linens year round among the other things I cherish in this handsome pattern.
A trip to Great Britain a few years ago catapulted my love for all things tartan or tattersall. I was fortunate to have taken a tour of the infamous Tartan Weaving Mill in Edinburgh Scotland. Here, I am inquiring about the yarns and the time involved in creating the many tartans linked to the Scottish clans. Having always thought the Stark name was German, we discovered that Stark, in fact, was also a part of the Robertson clan of Scotland.
The patterns of the tartans represent the clans in which the family crests are applied and the men’s kilts are made. What a great tradition. Here, we just enjoy all things created in that cross weave pattern and refer to it as plaid. I, personally, can’t get enough.